Defending with an 8 card suit?
by Neil Kimelman on
January 8th, 2009
Playing at a club team game last night, you pick up J5 AQ10865432 – A85. You are north and not-vul versus vul. and bidding goes:
West | North | East | South |
– | – | pass | 1♠ |
pass | 2♥ | 4♦! | dbl |
pass | ? |
East is an intermediate player, partnering with their expert teacher and life partner. What is your pleasure?
I wouldn’t defend on this hand. I can’t see much else to do but bid 4H.
I know it can be right to defend and if I know my partner never doubles without a three trick set in her own hand I might consider passing.
On the other hand we might even have a slam (or go down in 4H).
Not sure what i would do with a 14 card hand…